The Beginning of Goons Production

Goons Production is a group of creatives based in Sheffield, UK who got their start in 2021. Founded by Damian Palli, the Goons shot their first film ‘François’. The film was based on the true story of François Habimana, an electrical engineer in Kigali, Rwanda who traversed the jungles of Rwanda in the early 90s during the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsis. The story was told by his wife Helene Habimana and written by Jamie Beesley.

Even though our first film under the name ‘Goons Production’ was ‘Francois’, our first project was an advert for Kahler Clothing back in 2018. Since that project we have been working on a few other projects but, we wanted to take the big step and set up a production company.

It felt quite daunting at the beginning but we got the hang of it sooner or later.

Whilst also working on commercial projects in the UK, Goons Production has a keen interest in producing films based on human rights and contemporary issues. We are also interested in working on visually striking story-driven films with an attitude to always outdo ourselves at every opportunity.

As of Summer 2022, we’re currently working on a range of short films with plans to adapt them into features. One of the films is Francois mentioned above. The other two are called ‘Darker Skies’ a film based around Asian folk lore and ‘WHOLE’ a film based on revisiting childhood trauma.
